This morning we drove out to the nature preserve and walked around on the boardwalk nature trail. The kids loved it! It was cloudy, so it wasn't too hot. We didn't see many birds, or other animals, but everyone had fun pointing out every spider web and spider they could see...including Nastia. Halfway through, Nastia decided she wanted to push Ian in his stroller. This worked out very well because I ended up carrying my sick three year old.
After the nature preserve we drove back by the river. Large bodies of water must be a "first" for Nastia. She was amazed at the river.
We made a quick stop at 7-11 for Icee's and then went to the produce market. We had fruit for lunch and Nastia ate three plates completely full of fruit, and three pieces of apple bread. This girl can eat!!! I love it! She never asks for more food, or takes anything, so I always make sure to continue offering until she says she is done.
We have to give weekly reports to New Horizons, so this morning I had to weigh and measure Nastia. She is 72 pounds and 4'7". She seemed to think it was perfectly normal for me to weigh and measure her, so maybe this is something she is accustomed to.
She spent more time playing outside this afternoon, we ate a quick dinner of more fruit and corn dogs, which she did not like at all, and then we added some chips. I can't remember if I have posted about chips before but...Nastia LOVES chips!!! Really! She really, really LOVES chips! Plain ol' potato chips are her favorite.
Starting this weekend the Brevard Zoo is offering free Saturday evening admission from 5-9pm. With the cloud cover I knew it wouldn't be terribly hot, and Roger was already in the area, so I asked him to meet me at the zoo to take home the two little guys since Miles wasn't feeling well, and Ian would need to get to bed at a decent time. We all walked around together for a little while, but Miles was really not feeling well, so he needed to get home. I stayed with Nastia, Lauren, Franklin, and Ari. We had so much fun! I think the Zoo is another "first" for Nastia. There were so many Oh's and Ahhhh's and Wow's and Wook! (Look!) and complete excitement. She isn't giddy, mind you, but she can show excitement easily.
And now, everyone is in bed. I hear Nastia and Lauren giggling, so I think they need some mama attention! We've already done our goodnight kisses, so it is time for sleep!
Did she get to feed the giraffes???? That is my FAVORITE part of that zoo!!