Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thank you!

I want to thank each person, publicly, who has given money to help us bring Anastasija here. I won't name each person by name because I don't have permission from everyone. I don't believe these friends know how important they are in what God can do with Anastasija's future because they sacrificed, so that she could come here with our hope of finding a family for her.
We are so grateful for each of you!

We are also grateful to those of you who have sent her gift cards, and clothes, and money for clothes. She is going to be so blessed!

We trust that God will bless those who have blessed us...and ultimately a little girl who none of us knows, but who deserves to be part of a loving family.

From the bottom of my heart...thank you!


  1. Just wondering. How much would it cost to adopt Anastasija? Adoption has always been a desire of mine....and some day I REALLY hope to do it! God has just provided the house so we could actually do it. Now He just needs to work out a few more details...and then we can!!

  2. Judith,
    I will send you a message on FB. Don't let me forget! I'll do it early next week.


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