...but it seems like she has been with us a few weeks. Nastia has settled in very well, and I thought I would try to have structure to our day for at least the first week, but it just hasn't happened the past few days. Two of my little guys woke up sick this morning, so I had to take them both to the doctor. When I got home everyone was cleaning up the house, including Nastia, and two of Roger's nephews were outside mowing our lawn. Thank you so much Travis, and Ethan!!! The kids ended up spending most of the day outside.
Meals: We had leftover pancakes for breakfast, and Nastia ate two, once again. For lunch she must have been hungry and it must have been somewhat familiar because she ate it so fast! She had a ham sandwich with Mayo, cantaloupe, grapes, string cheese, and chips. Grandma went and bought everyone Icee's after lunch! For dinner we had tacos. She ate one, but when I asked on Google Translate if she liked it she said no. I'm so proud of her for trying things that aren't "normal" to her! So, she ate a banana, and some yogurt.
Nastia, Lauren and I made brownies this afternoon, so we got to enjoy those this evening. I asked her if she wanted to lick the bowl and she said no, so I put my finger in, got a little bit and licked it off. Then I offered the bowl to her and she dug in! I think this was her first experience "licking the bowl!"
We also called Nastia's chaperon this afternoon. They had a chance to chat, and she said Nastia seems fine and happy. She asked how Nastia's behavior has been and I told her what a good girl Nastia is, and how happy we are to have her. She asked Nastia if she needed anything, or if she wanted to tell us anything and we heard what we have heard a few times...she wants to go to the zoo!!! It's almost as though she is saying, "Hurry up already!!! Take me to the zoo!" I told her we would go next week!
She had a lot of fun riding a scooter tonight. She had no fear!!! I have asked her for a few days if she wanted to ride, but she has always said no. I was shocked to see her speeding down the sidewalk when I went outside tonight. She loves to push Ian in the stroller, too. She did this yesterday when we went shopping, and decided she wanted to push him outside today, too. Very sweet!
After her shower tonight we worked on English. She can read things in English, but it would kind of be like me reading things in Russian, but having no idea what I am saying. There is a translation, so she can look at English and Russian. I was surprised when she knew all of her colors in English, and she can count to twenty in English, too. She said she has been taking English in school for two years, so this is all very new to her.
And then it was time for bright eyes, a beautiful smile, a kiss on the forehead and an "I love you." She is easy to love!